Wednesday, January 17, 2007

What the expatriates say about Janda Baik

I'm waiting for some feedback from expatriates who work with Elektrisola Malaysia and have stayed in Janda Baik for a few years. There are 9 expatriates who live at the company residential area at Jalan Damai 3. They are Germans, Italian, Japanese, Portugese and Swiss. One is even married to a local Chinese.

Carlos has given his comments. Please see at my latest update.


Anonymous said...

saya mencari penginapan yang cantik dan menarik dengan harga yang rendah.Sila hubungi saya 0193186329.

sailor said...

Sailor's Rest,
Hi, Please update Sailor's Rest e-mail to read
Contact: Tel: 014-3685892 (Hashim).

You may use any of the photos in our link adorn your blog.

Wassalam. Keep up the good work.